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Top Spots To Visit in Mani, Greece

Top Spots To Visit in Mani, Greece


The Mani Region is another Peloponnese gem that is dominated by architecture and local legends. A place where every fairytale comes to life, as you see the stone towers, fortress homes, stone villages, and real old-time charm. Taking a step back in time with gorgeous scenery and unbelievable settings. While other cities in Greece might offer a similar experience Mani is set to bring you the fairytale lifestyle.


Seeping in A Castle

Almost every hotel, guesthouse, and villa looks like a small castle, with its fortress and tower included. Hosted by kind and level tempered locals who are open to outsiders and ready to showcase their hospitable side.


Center of Areopoli

One of the main villages in Mani where you can meet locals and bond with others all year round. Once you reach the village square you will find the life of local hero Petros Mavromichalis, and all that the village holds near and dear. Along with lines of cafes, restaurants, churches, and bakeries that are just as gorgeous as every other aspect in the city.


Limeni Harbor

A scenic harbor that brings you a communication of the Manioti style, and traditional Greek atmosphere. Showcases a unique architecture that is true to the place, and set right in front of the city. Its gorgeous blue water, fishing boats, and fresh & delicious food is something different and charming. As you enjoy a bite or two you can take in the small houses, seafront taverns, and so much more the city has to offer. Some taverns let you sit outside and get your feet wet in splashes of seawater.


Diros Caves

These caves come with a lake of its own, something you can get a full view of the caves by boat. Then you can walk through its narrow passages and sail through the cave tunnels for a good 40 minutes of your life. Offering you a thrilling and sensational experience that sets a deep memory in your head.


Vathia Ghost Village

While some of the houses have started to get renovated and inhabited, the village is still empty and free from inhabitants. Most of the buildings are completely destroyed and deserted and carry a sense of stillness. It’s like time stopped one day, and the entire population vanished. Walking through the abandoned village and standing on top of the towers you get a sense of what was once here, but the empty walls and creaking doors start to eat at you after some time.


Gerolimenas Coffee

A beautiful harbor set for local fishing boats, showing off stone houses that are laid across the sea. The place offers a bunch of cafes, and taverns with a seafront for you to enjoy the gorgeous views as you snake on local delights, and have some freshly roasted island coffee. Or you can head to the small beach with smooth white pebbles for a short walk or a day under the sun.


Cape Tenaro

The Cape Tenaro lighthouse is set on the southernmost point and comes with a 2km long hiking trail. You will need proper shoes, clothing, water, and snacks to make it through. If you are hiking during the summer season we suggest you pack some extra protective gear and protect yourself from the sun as much as possible. Keep in mind there is no shade throughout, and there is a good chance you will get a sunburn. Similarly, when hiking during the winter pack well and wear protective and supportive gear.


These spots are here to help you get started, and there is still a great deal more to explore and discover when in Mani, Greece. So go ahead and start walking around, chances are you will find something spectacular that wasn’t listed on any website during your trips.

Category: Mani, Peloponnese
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